Bursa is first capital city of Ottomans which have many touristic locations and very green...
While I was doing my internships in Denmark, I have flied to Barcelona during one...
I have visited Kiev just before Pandemie. It is sad to see this beautiful city...
I have visited Baltic cities during my master education in Berlin.
I have planned visits to different cities (Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan) in Poland in 2016. I...
I lived around 7 months in Herning, Denmark to accomplish my master thesis and full...
In 2022 August I travelled Black Sea Region of Türkiye. Amasya Samsun Trabzon, Uzungöl Rize...
After the First World War and Armistice of Mudros, Gaziantep was occupied by United Kingdom...
Stuttgart is the city where I lived one year. I moved there from Berlin when...
Ankara became my longest place of residence after İzmir due to job offer I took...
Adana is known with its Kebab which is super tasty and has high quality meat....
Çanakkale is northwestern city in Turkey. It was stragetically important city in the history and...
Mardin is a city in southeastern Turkey. City is known for the Artuqid architecture of...
East side of Turkey. One of the biggest cities in the east side. Diyarbakır.
I visited Bolu Abant Lake in Turkey with company MAN Truck and Bus which I...
I visited İstanbul with a tour as a first time in 2013
Northern Türkiye. One of the greenest place. High oxygen rate and perfect views. I visited...
My grandmother lives in Ayvalık. I mostly spent my summer time in Ayvalık. I have...
This is the city where I was borned. İzmir is the third largest city in...
One of the unforgottable part of my life is of course the time I spent...
I was more experienced anymore as it was going to becoming my second interrail travel....
Many years passed after the first interrail I have done without taking any smartphone with...